Physical Training

This page is divided into three sections: 

1. Home Workouts

2. Gym Workouts

3. Yoga Routines 

Physical training is not always fun, especially in the beginning, however it needs to be done.  Jedi are guardians and a guardian who is does not have strength and good cardio will fail.  Some martial artist like judo will talk about how leverage can make up for lack of strength however there is a certain level of strength is required.

1. Home Workouts

So you can not get to the gym.

Ok we have a few ways we can go about training from here. We can use backpacks stuffed with books at weight you can control or two one gallon milk jugs filled with a comfortable amount of water for you.

3 times a week
Upper body
Arm curls
Stand with feet shoulder distance apart. Arms out in front with your palms up, hands around handles. Bring your elbows down to one inch away from your hips. Now you are in position. Keeping your elbows in place move your hands up towards your shoulders. Either keep your palms facing up, or you can turn your wrists so your palms are facing each other. Lower down to starting position. Repeat 15 times rest for 30 sec. and go through a total of 3 times.

Arm extension
Stand with feet shoulder distance apart. Place hands around handles. Palms facing each other. Extend your arms over head. You want your elbows bent with your hands behind you. Gently move your hands up in the air so your arms are extended up, lower back down to starting position Repeat 15 times rest for 30 sec. and go through a total of 3 times.

Chest Press
Lay on your back. Have your hands around your devices handles elbows are bent and your hands are going toward you shoulders. Lift your arms up into the air. Lower down to repeat the exercise. Repeat 15 times rest for 30 sec. and go through a total of 3 times.

Fly’s and delts Sit on a chair hold milt jugs on each side of you. Extend your arms to either side of your body. Parallel to the ground. Now simple move your arms in out in front of you, to your arms going straight in front of you, bring back to starting position. Repeat 15 times rest for 30 sec. and go through a total of 3 times.

Daily fun stuff!
To do 2 days a week, the days you do not do the upper workout
Push ups 2 times daily
Regular way 1 set of 15 - 25
Knees down("girl pushups") 1 set of 15 - 25
Legs on chair 1 set of 15- 25
One leg crosses over other 1 set of 15 - 25
Reverse legs 1 set of 15 - 25

2 times daily
Feet flat on round 1 set of 25
Knees on one side of body 1 set of 25
Knees on other side 1 set of 25
Knees in the air 1 set of 25

Pull ups
As many as you can do in 30 seconds, Try to beat, and go to a full minute
Palms facing out
Palms facing in
One palm in the other out

Jumping Jacks
4 sets of 25

Ok for 30 minutes get out and start walking around the block.
Every week you want to run for 5 minutes longer then you did the week before.
Exsample if you were only able to run for 5 minutes in week one run for 10 of the 30 minutes in week 2. So forth and so on until you get up to 30 minutes, you can keep adding 5 minutes until you get up to a hour if you like.

30/60 Walk for 30/seconds run for 60 seconds 5-10 sets

I hightly recommend that everyone gets a yoga DVD or vcr tape and do it daily! Streching is difficult for me to explain with out pics.

2. Gym Workout

Monday Wednesday and Friday:
Upper Body Workout
Pull-ups and dips
Preacher curls
Arm ext .
Hammer curls
Arm ext 2 different machine that works thing as tad diffrently
Lateral raises
Chest press
Incline press .
Flys and Rear Deltoids
Lateral pull downs

Back extensions .
Back Row
Ab Crunches .

Lower Body Workout
Leg abduction
Leg Addiction .
Leg Extension .
Leg Curls
Seated Leg press
Rotary Calves


Bike 30 minutes

ARC or Treadmill 30 minutes

3. Yoga Routines for Jedi

The three yoga routines are centered more for martial artist, but any aspiring Jedi will greatly benefit from them. I am first going to list the common English name for the pose, then I am going to list the proper name for the pose

General Routine
1. Mountain Pose variation (Tadasana on Toes)
2. Powerful Pose (Utkatasana)
3. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)
4. Flank Stretch Pose (Utthita Parsuakanasana)
5. Wide Angel Standing Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
6. Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Kanassona)
7. Simple Crossed Legged with Forward Bend (Sakhassana)
8. Four Pointed Staff Pose (Caturanga Daadasana)
9. Corpse Pose “Relaxation” (Savasana)

Balance Routine
1. Mountain Pose Variation (Tadasana on Toes)
2. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
3. Triangle Pose (Utkatasana)
4. Warrior pose (Viradhadrasana 1 )
5. Squat Pose (Malasana)
6. Sage Pose (Vasisthasana)
7. Corpse Pose “Relaxation” (Savasana)

Strength Routine
1. Mountain Pose Variation (Tadasana on Toes)
2. Powerful Pose (Utkatasana)
3. Triangle Pose (Utkatasana)
4. Warrior Pose 1 (Viradhadrasana 1 )
5. Eagle Pose (Garudasona)
6. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
7. Half Downward Facing Dog Pose (Ardha Adaha Mukha Svanasana)
8. Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasona)
9. Four Pointed Staff Pose “Yoga Push Up” (Caturanga Daadasana)
10. Sage Pose (Vasisthasana)
11. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
12. Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhua Mukha Svanasana)
13. Stretch of the East Pose (Purvottadnasana)
14. Simple Crossed legged with a Twist (Sukhasana)
15. Half Lord of the fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyen Drasana)
16. Deep Lake Pose (Viparita Karani)
17. Corps Pose “Relaxation Pose “

For Pictures, video and step by step directions visit the site