Welcome to the The Jedi Path.  This is my site dedicated to those who wish to become real life jedi knights and jedi masters and are willing to do the work to achieve this goal.  If you are looking to become an "internet jedi master" and nothing more then please click the box in the upper right corner as this site will not be what you are looking for.  If you are looking for a cool title please click the close box because again this site is not what you are looking for.  

"There is more to being a Jedi than 
just calling yourself Jedi."

    This site will not spoon feed anyone to become a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Master instead it will lead you on to the path and from there you will need to make the decision to walk the path or to just read about it.  The site is to expose individuals to basic Jedi knowledge, training tips and will act as a guide to anyone looking to become a Jedi Knight.  You will need to dedicate a great deal of time and effort to this path if you really want to become a Jedi Knight and if you are not willing to dedicate the time and effort then do not waste your time reading this site as it will do nothing or you. If however you are willing to do the work then enjoy what you read and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.